
Saving water one SYNLawn at a time.

Home // Saving water one SYNLawn at a time.

It’s no surprise that by installing SYNLawn will save you water, but you do not have to stop there.  While going through a major water crisis we, as a community, really need to step up and do our part.  Did you know that installing a SYNLawn in your yard could save you up to 70% on your water usage?  Crazy, right?


Review these additional helpful water saving tips and try to use them in your daily routine.  Every drip counts.

 Inside the home:

  1. Use your dishwater, rather than hand washing dishes.  Buying an energy efficient dishwasher saves additional water and energy.
  2. Cook your food in as least amount of water as possible.  This will also keep additional nutrients in your food.
  3. Use the garbage disposal sparingly.  Attempt to empty leftover food into the trash, instead of the disposal.
  4. Wash your dark color clothes in cold water.  This saves water as well as retaining the color of your clothes.
  5. Shorten your shower by just one minute.  This could save up to 150 gallons per month.
  6. OR keep your shower under 5 minutes and you can save 1,000 gallons per month.
  7. Upgrade your older toilets to WaterSense labeled models.
  8. Save up to 4 gallons a minute just by turning off the water while you brush your teeth.
  9. Avoid children’s recreational toys with continual water use.
  10. Reuse towels.

Outside the home:

  1. Plant in the spring or fall.
  2. Consider xeriscaping.
  3. Leave low hanging branches.  This will allow for leaf litter and keep the soil cooler.  Requiring less water for the surrounding plants.
  4. Use a layer of mulch to prevent weeds, which compete for water.  This also keeps the soil cooler.
  5. Collect roof water runoff and direct towards flowerbeds.
  6. Don’t leave a running hose.  This can save up to 10 gallons per minute.
  7. Eliminate or minimize waterfalls or water features within swimming pools.  Aeration creates more evaporation.
  8. Use drip irrigation.
  9. Pruning properly can help your plants use water more efficiently.

Just by using a few of these techniques can really help you water usage and help the overall water crisis.  For more information on saving water call our office 559.472.3454.



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